Dr. Sandeep Jejurikar
3800 Highland Avenue #106
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: (630) 960-0023
Monday, Thursday, Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m.–7 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

Breast Augmentation

If you’re considering breast augmentation in the Downers Grove, Plainfield, or Naperville areas, Dr. Sandeep Jejurikar is a board-certified, dual fellowship-trained plastic surgeon trusted by women to create beautiful, natural-looking results. Because the breast enlargement process involves many important decisions, choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is essential. This is why so many patients across Illinois choose Dr. Jejurikar for their breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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Breast Augmentation Considerations

Prior to your breast augmentation, you will have several important decisions to make. During your consultation, Dr. Jejurikar helps you understand your options for breast implants and surgical technique, which include the following:

Breast Implant Type

Breast augmentation patients may choose either of the following types of FDA-approved implants:

  • Silicone implants, an option for patients age 22 and up, are made of gel that looks and feels a lot like natural breast tissue.
  • Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution once placed within the breast. Should the implant leak or rupture, the body harmlessly absorbs the saline solution.

Breast Implant Size

Although this procedure is intended to make breasts larger, they should still look natural and in balance with the rest of your figure. Dr. Jejurikar will recommend an implant size that accounts for your current amount of breast tissue, your frame, your cosmetic goals, and other factors.

Implant Placement

Depending on your desired look, choice of implant, and personal anatomy, implant placement options are as follows:

  • Submuscular placement is underneath the pectoral muscle. This is the most commonly used option because the muscle covers the top edge of the implant for a sloping upper breast contour.
  • Subglandular placement is under the breast tissue and above the pectoral muscle. Results are best when the patient has sufficient natural breast tissue to cover the implant. Recovery is typically quicker with this option.

Incision Options

Depending on your implant choice and personal preference, Dr. Jejurikar will use one of the following incision techniques:

  • Underneath the breast (inframammary) is the most commonly used option because it does not restrict implant choices and gives Dr. Jejurikar clear access to the surgical area. The scar is well hidden in the natural crease in the breast fold.
  • In the armpit (transaxillary) is an option for patients who choose saline implants and want to avoid a scar on the breast.
  • Along the edge of the areola (periareolar) is often used when combining silicone or saline implants with a breast lift. The incision blends into the natural transition between the breast skin and the darker areola.

Who’s an Ideal Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Women who have naturally smaller or asymmetrical breasts or who have experienced changes in breast size and shape due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or aging are often strong candidates for breast augmentation.

Although many women can benefit from this procedure, not everyone will be an ideal candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Candidates should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and understand that breast implants are not lifetime devices and may require future maintenance or removal.

If you are breastfeeding or planning to grow your family in the near future, we recommend waiting until after your family is complete and your children are fully weaned before pursuing a breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift

It makes sense to hope that breast augmentation alone will give you fuller breasts and restore a more youthful shape without the scars of a breast lift; however, these procedures provide different benefits. Implants add volume and slightly improve breast shape when there is mild sagging. A breast lift removes excess stretched skin, raises the breasts to a youthful position, and reduces enlarged areolas. Women with moderate to significant sagging who want larger breasts usually need both procedures to attain their desired results.

Combining Breast Augmentation With Other Procedures

Many women choose breast augmentation as part of their mommy makeover. This personalized combination of procedures often includes a tummy tuck and liposuction.

Dr. Sandeep Jejurikar

Dr. Sandeep Jejurikar

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Sandeep Jejurikar is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to helping you look and feel your very best.

Meet Dr. Jejurikar

Crisalix 3-D Imaging: See the Possibilities

You can preview the potential results of your breast augmentation—with different implant sizes and placement options—using Crisalix 3‐D imaging. Dr. Jejurikar offers his patients this opportunity to help them visualize what their breasts may look like. Seeing a 3‐D image can often help women make decisions about their breast augmentation procedure and give them peace of mind about the choices they make. You can also get input from friends or family by sharing the 3‐D images online with them.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Dr. Jejurikar develops direct relationships with his patients. As you prepare for surgery, you will meet one-on-one with him, not just with a nurse or practice manager. He takes the time to ensure that all of your questions are answered well before the day of surgery.

Breast enlargement is most frequently performed under general anesthesia, although IV sedation is also an option. The surgical plan that has been discussed and established with Dr. Jejurikar will determine how he performs the procedure—from the type of implant to the location of the incisions and placement of the implant. Some women choose to combine their breast augmentation with a breast lift to improve both the overall size and the position and shape of their breasts. Dr. Jejurikar may also perform fat grafting, also called fat transfer, to enhance the breast augmentation results for his suburban Chicago patients.

Breast Augmentation Recovery & Results

After incisions have been closed, you will be sent home in the care of an adult friend or family member with recovery instructions that include sleeping with your upper body elevated, walking slowly multiple times every day, and taking pain medication as needed.

Recovery Milestones

While experiences vary, recovery typically involves the following milestones and timeline:

  • Discomfort and fatigue peak: 3 to 5 days
  • Suture and dressing removal: 5 to 7 days
  • Return to work, school, and nonstrenuous activities: 10 to 14 days
  • Resume low-impact exercise: 2 weeks
  • Bruising and swelling fade: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Implants settle (drop & fluff): 6 to 12 weeks
  • Ease back into strenuous exercise: 6 weeks
  • Achieve final results: 6 to 12 weeks
  • Scars fade: 6 to 12 months (or longer)

In addition to increasing breast volume, breast enlargement also can improve the shape of the breasts and help patients feel more confident in a wider variety of clothing options.

What’s a Breast Augmentation Revision?

Breast augmentation revision corrects or revises a previous breast augmentation surgery. Patients may have this procedure to address issues such as implant malposition, implant rupture, capsular contracture (scar tissue tightening around the implant), implant rippling, changes in breast shape or size over time, or dissatisfaction with the initial results. Similarly, patients whose preferences have changed or who want to replace their implants with new implants may seek this surgery.

Revision breast augmentation is more complex than primary breast augmentation and requires a high level of surgical skill and experience. Only experienced plastic surgeons should perform this procedure, as it involves navigating existing scar tissue, making skilled adjustments to implant placement, and using advanced surgical techniques.

Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with a track record of successful breast augmentation revision surgeries is crucial to ensuring your safety and achieving your desired aesthetic outcomes.

Dr. Jejurikar Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions

Are there age restrictions for breast augmentation?

I have performed breast augmentation for women ranging from age 18 to 60+. Women who are at least 18 years old can choose saline-filled implants. Silicone gel-filled implants are approved for cosmetic use in women 22 or older and for reconstruction patients 18 and older.

Are breast implants safe?

Saline implants consist of a sterile saltwater solution (saline) in a silicone shell. The saline, the same as that used in IVs by hospitals, is safely absorbed by the body should a rupture ever occur. Furthermore, independent large multicenter studies have shown no correlation between silicone implants and serious health concerns.

Can breast augmentation make my breasts look even?

Breast asymmetry (breasts that have different sizes or shapes) is generally present in all patients. Even after breast augmentation surgery, some asymmetry might remain. Analysis of breast shape and size prior to surgery will help to determine if breast implants of differing sizes or projections will improve symmetry. Occasionally, a breast lift might also be required to improve symmetry.

Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery typically does not interfere with a woman’s ability to nurse. Studies have shown that breast implants pose no risk of contaminating breast milk. Certain techniques and placement options may be preferable if you plan on having children and nursing. Discuss your goals with your plastic surgeon so that you will understand your options and set realistic expectations.

Which incision is best?

Whether under the armpit, beneath the breast, or along the border of the areola, each incision has its advantages for particular patients. Anatomy, future plans regarding breastfeeding, and individual preferences will help to determine which incision pattern Dr. Jejurikar recommends.

How do I know which type of implant is right for me?

Similar to which incision technique is best, the answer is based on your anatomy, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals. The best breast implants for you may not be the best implants for another woman. Dr. Jejurikar will walk you through your choices.

To learn more about breast augmentation, you can request a free cosmetic consultation online or call Dr. Jejurikar’s office at (630) 960-0023 in Downers Grove, IL.

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